Pyrite Properties



Stone of Unique Protection and Positive Shielding

It is sometimes a bit sad that this beautiful and fascinating mineral has a nickname like “Fool’s Gold”.  As it does resemble gold in it’s physical appearance, that is where the similarities end. Pyrite can not be bent or shaped like gold, it is much too brittle. Striking it with steel can even cause the sulfur in it to spark! Pyrite is actually disulfide of iron, and the metallic crystal grows in cubes, nodules, masses of tiny crystals, and can even be found as  flat discs.

Some have been known to confuse pyrite with marcasite, but as marcasite is also an iron sulfide, but crystallized in a completely different manner, so marcasite it unstable and often crumbles during attempts  to carve it.

Pyrite is quite easy to find, it is mined all over the US, in Arizona,  Colorado, New York, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee  to name a few. Specimens are also found in Spain, South Africa, Russia, Portugal, Germany and Peru, as well as hundreds of other locations  around the world.

Scientific Gemstone Properties

Mohs Hardness of 6.5 with a cubic crystal  structure

Pyrite occurs as cubes or as “pyritohedra”,  which have twelve faces, and each of those faces having five edges. It has been used in the jewelry industry for thousands of years, as specimens have been found in the ancient civilizations of the Greeks,   Romans and the Incas. Today it is most often used for costume jewelry, but being as brittle and fragile as it is, it requires very careful  cutting.

Peacock pyrite, peacock copper peacock rock, are all the same stone, pyrite with metallic peacock coloring flashing all over it.

Cultures in ancient Mexico made scrying mirrors out of  pyrite; they were created by polishing one side flat, to use for scrying, while the rounded side was carved with mystical symbols to assist in the scrying process. Cultures around the world cared amulets for protection and magic from pyrite, it was even one of the first healing stones to be used in a Shaman’s bag.

Pyrite found it’s name from the Greek word pyr, which means ‘fire’, the French call it Pierre de Sante, meaning “stone  of health” as they say it positively effects the body’s health.

Metaphysical Gemstone Properties

Pyrite helps one to communicate more openly and honestly,  providing both emotional and physical protection. If you are indecisive, or unsure about something, carry a pyrite with you as a touchstone to help boost your self confidence. The reflective qualities of the stone make it a wonderful meditation or divination tool….just as the ancient Inca’s used it.

Pyrite increases physical stamina, stimulates the intellect and helps to transform thought into intelligent action. It is a wonderful stone for use in wealth magic or assisting in manifestation of needed energies. An excellent shield-stone, pyrite removes negativity from  the aura to help one concentrate.

Healing Gemstone Properties

Pyrite is said to balance hormonal rhythms, and to ease the discomfort of menstruation. It is also useful in clearing up confusion  of one’s physical symptoms so as to generate a more accurate diagnosis.

Pyrite “suns” draw pain from the body, as well as assist in  easing depression symptoms. It is also said to help in reducing swelling  or reducing fevers when used directly on the physical body.

Magical Gemstone Properties

Energy: Projective
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Powers:  Divination, Shielding & Money
Candle Color: Gold

Prized by the people of Mexico Pyrite was used to fashion polished “mirrors” that were believed to be used for scrying.  Although Pyrite may be nick named “fools gold” it is in many ways magically in line with the mineral gold itself. Used in spells and rituals regarding money and wealth, and carried to bring good luck in fulfilling one’s monetary needs.

Zodiac Gemstone Properties

Zodiac Stone of: Leo

Associations: Sun

Birthstone: Not a birthstone for any month

Chakra Gemstone Properties

Both the Earth and Fire Energies are captured within the Pyrite stone, making it a perfect too to assist one in balancing or activating the 1st, Base/Root Chakra, it should do it’s work quickly so one must be prepared.